Presentation Instructions


Please download and use the Zoom Virtual Background for your presentation and participation of GCCCE2021.

Paper Presentation Instruction

GCCCE2022 Conference will be conducted in online mode using the Zoom Meeting platform.

  • For Full Paper presentation, 20 minutes will be allocated for presentation (including 5 minute-Q&A session). Please keep the presentation within the time limit set.
  • For Short Paper presentation, 15 minutes will be allocated for presentation (including 5-minute Q&A session). Please keep the presentation within the time limit set.
  • Workshop papers: The time limits will be determined by the organizers of individual workshops. Please consult the respective organizers for specific instructions.
  • Teachers’ Forum: Full paper: 15 minutes (including 5-minute Q&A session), Short paper: 12 minutes (including 4-minute Q&A session).
  • Doctoral Student Forum: 20 minutes (including 10-minute Q&A session and mentors’ feedback).Please strictly follow the assigned schedule for paper presentation. 

your Session Chair before the session in which your presentation begins.

Online presentation

Presentations and participation is Zoom.. Participants may refer to below website for more details on Zoom installation.

ZOOM操作说明 or

  • Prior to the conference, all online presenters (and participants) are required to install the Zoom software on their computers, and make sure their webcams and microphones are properly functioning. The detailed instructions on joining individual online sessions will be announced on the conference website in due course.
  • Presenters must logon and join the assigned Zoom Meeting room prior to the presentation sessions with computers or devices that can display their presentation materials (Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, or software to demonstrate, etc.). Please note that such materials might not be able to be properly displayed on smartphones.
  • Presenters are required to turn on their webcams and show their faces during their presentations and the subsequent Q&A activities.

Poster Presentation Instruction

All the poster presentation will be in online mode.

The poster presentations comprise two components,(1) online sharing video with 5-minute pre-recorded oral presentations; (2) live interaction online via the poster webpage. 

Authors of poster are required a pre-recorded 5-minute oral presentation video upload to the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) before May 15, 2022. The LOC will collate all the materials and publish them on the official website after May 15. Attendees can write comments and questions with the author on the website.


Video Format requirements: a mp4 format file; time limit 5-10 minutes; file size less than 200M.

  • The video should be succinct in content
  • With appropriate sizes of figures, tables and text. The font sizes should not be smaller than 1cm.
  • Interactive Poster presentations. (5/15~5/31)

A Best Poster Paper Award will be selected.